
View the Project on GitHub aehilla/data310_spring2021

Informal responses from March 10

Import the households dataset for your selected country and create a data frame with a variable that describes each of the following: household ID, unit, weights, location, size, gender, age, education, wealth


Pivot the persons columns within your households data to a long format in order to produce a similarly specified dataset that describes all persons residing within all households. Using this data frame describing all persons standardize, normalize and percentize your variables and visualize each post transformed dataset as a heatmap that illustrates the heterogeneity of the combination of patterns.

pnscopy = pns
pnscopy$size <- as.numeric(pnscopy$size)
pnscopy$gender <- as.numeric(pnscopy$gender)
pnscopy$age <- as.numeric(pnscopy$age)
pnscopy$edu <- as.numeric(pnscopy$edu)
pnscopy$wealth <- as.numeric(pnscopy$wealth)
pnscopy = scale(pnscopy)
pnscopy = normalize(pnscopy)
pnscopy = percentize(pnscopy)

which produced the following dataframe:

Error in hclustfun(dist) : must have n >= 2 objects to cluster
pns_prep2 <- slice_sample(pnscopy, n = 1000, replace = FALSE)
pns_matrix2 <- data.matrix(pns_prep2)
pns_heatmap2 <- heatmap(pns_matrix2, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA,
                       col = cm.colors(256), scale="column", margins=c(5,10))
png(file = "./DHS/pns_heatmap2.png")

which produced the following plot:

After trying that workaround, I tried running the heatmaply function on the pnscopy dataframe, where all columns were numeric. The heatmaply functions then worked correctly, and created the following plots (which seem to be so large that the axis labels are unreadable):



